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朋友 我当你一秒朋友

朋友 我当你一世朋友

奇怪 过去再不堪回首

怀缅 时时其实还有

朋友 你试过将我营救

朋友 你试过把我批斗

无法 再与你交心联手

毕竟 难得有过最佳损友

从前共你 促膝把酒


我有痛快过 你有没有




实实在在 踏入过我宇宙

即使相处到 有个裂口

命运决定了 以后再没法聚头

但说过去 却那样厚

问我有没有 确实也没有

一直躲避的藉口 非什么大仇

为何旧知己 在最后


不知你是我敌友 已没法望透

被推着走 跟着生活流




到你变节了 至觉未够

多想一天 彼此都不追究


待 葡萄成熟透

但是命运入面 每个邂逅

一起走到了 某个路口

是敌与是友 各自也没有自由

位置变了 各有队友

问我有没有 确实也没有

一直躲避的藉口 非什么大仇

为何旧知己 在最后


不知你是我敌友 已没法望透

被推着走 跟着生活流



早知解散后 各自有际遇作导游

奇就奇在 接受了 各自有路走

却没人像你 让我 眼泪背着流

严重似情侣 讲分手

有没有 确实也没有

一直躲避的藉口 非什么大仇

为何旧知己 在最后 变不到老友

不知你又有没有 挂念这旧友

或者自己 早就想通透

来年陌生的 是昨日 最亲的某某

总好于 那日我 没有

没有 遇过 某某

Friend, I'll be your friend for a second

Friend, I will be your lifelong friend

Strange past is unbearable to look back on

When I was pregnant, there were actually

Friend, have you tried rescuing me

Friend, have you tried to criticize me

I can no longer communicate with you and join forces

After all, it's rare to have had the best bad friend

We used to drink together in the past

Staying up all night is not enough

Have I had a good time with you

Many things can only be given to you in this life

Conservative to permanent

How do others understand

I have truly stepped into my universe

Even if there is a rift in our relationship

Fate has decided that we won't be able to gather again in the future

But in the past, it was so thick

Ask me if I have it, and indeed not

The excuse for constantly avoiding is not a big grudge

Why are old friends in the end

Can't become an old friend

I don't know if you are my enemy or friend, but I can't see through you anymore

Pushing along with the flow of life

Unknown next year

He was the closest person yesterday

A life and death friendship is rare on that day

It's not enough to feel like you've defected

I wish we could spend a day without pursuing each other

Inviting you to drink again

Wait until the grapes are fully ripe

But fate meets every encounter

We walked together to a certain intersection

Both enemies and friends have no freedom

The position has changed, everyone has teammates

Ask me if I have it, and indeed not

The excuse for constantly avoiding is not a big grudge

Why are old friends in the end

Can't become an old friend

I don't know if you are my enemy or friend, but I can't see through you anymore

Pushing along with the flow of life

Unknown next year

He was the closest person yesterday

Zaozhi, after disbandment, each had their own opportunities to become a tour guide

Qi Qiqi accepted that each had their own way

But no one makes me cry behind my back like you

Serious like a couple breaking up

Is it true or not

The excuse for constantly avoiding is not a big grudge

Why can't old friends become old friends in the end

I don't know if you miss this old friend again

Or perhaps I have long wanted to be transparent

Next year's stranger is yesterday's closest person, so and so

Better than the day I didn't

I have never met someone

